
External cardiac massage and defibrillation was developed in the 1960s and resulted in the potential to resuscitate people who suffered a cardiac arrest. Already at an early stage it was noted that these patients often suffered brain injury and a period of unconsciousness following resuscitation. The STEPCARE collaboration aims to develop optimal treatment for these patients. 

The TTM (Targeted temperature management) research network has focused on providing evidence for the best strategy for managing temperature after cardiac arrest. Hypothermia has been widely used as a strategy to improve outcome after cardiac arrest but following two randomized trials (TTM1 and TTM2) it has become clear that this intervention, in the form that it has been used to date, is ineffective. The COMACARE study group has performed research on how adjusting blood pressure, carbon dioxide and oxygen effects the development of brain injury after cardiac arrest.  

The STEPCARE collaboration is a continuation of these projects with the aim to improve outcomes of people suffer a cardiac arrest.